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JS Animated. How to change RD Map style

Jill Sunders October 26, 2015
Rating: 5.0/5. From 2 votes.
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This video tutorial is going to show how to change RD Map style in JS Animated template.

JS Animated. How to change RD Map style

In order to change RD Map style in JS Animated template, you should perform the following steps:

  1. In order to change Google Map style on the page, open tm-scripts.js file that is located in the following directory: js folder of your template.

  2. You have to open tm-scripts.js file with File Manager in the cPanel or from your PC in editor like a Notepad++ or Dreamviewer.

  3. First of all we have to save original file in order to make back-up in case of need to restore default settings. Press on the right button and select Download button.

    After such step we can start editing. Right-click the file and open it by selecting the Code Edit item:

  4. Second step will be to find massive of Google Map code responsible for styles. In our case we need to remove all content from the square brackets and replace it with a new one:

  5. In order to get new code for map style, we have to visit the following link: There you will find different variations of the map styles and choose something for your website. In our case we are going to use “Midnight Commander” style.

  6. Press on the View all code button and copy all code from the square brackets to the end of the code:

  7. Open tm-scrits.js file and Paste massive of code to that place where original code was:

  8. Save changes and refresh your website. In case you use some editor from the PC, save changes and upload file to the js folder through the FTP connection or File Manager in cPanel. Notice that you have to allow overwriting in order to save changes correctly.

  9. Go back to your website and refresh page with text that you have changed. Now we can see that editing was successful.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

JS Animated. How to change RD Map style
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